


发布时间:2018-07-07  点击:

邹晓龙,副教授、博士生导师,中国联合国协会理事,日本立命馆APU大学客座教授,德国特里尔应用技术大学IfaS研究所客座研究员。主要研究方向为全球气候治理与气候外交,能源与城市可持续发展政策。曾在“Journal of Contemporary Asia”,“China: An International Journal”,“Natural Resources Forum”,“Energy”等SSCI、SCI期刊发表学术论文多篇,获得教育部社会科学(青年)基金等省部级科研项目资助十余项。




职工(硕博):“Research Method & Academic Writing”, “Introduction to China”(团队授课)


2013–2016 (日)立命馆亚洲太平洋大学,哲学博士 (Ph.D.)

2010–2012 (德)特里尔应用技术大学,工学(双)硕士 (M.Eng.)

2009–2011 (日)立命馆亚洲太平洋大学,理学(双)硕士(M.Sc.)

2005–2009  大连外国语大学,文学学士



1. 教育部人文社会科学(青年)资助项目 “气候变化对中国海洋安全的影响研究” 2020-2023(在研)

2. 吉林省社会科学资助项目“‘双碳’背景下吉林省能源安全的挑战与应对”2023-2025(在研)

3. 澳门永利3044con人民民主协商项目“国际环境公害事件协商处理机制研究:以日本北九州“污浊之都”到“生态之城”为例” 2022-2024(在研)

4. 澳门永利3044con廉政建设专项项目 “国际组织内部反腐机智研究——以联合国环境署(UNEP)为例” 2020-2022(结项)

5. 吉林省青少年发展研究项目“新冠疫情影对青年心理的影响研究” 2020-2021(结项)

6. 澳门永利3044con社会科学资助项目“气候变化对我国海洋治理的影响研究” 2020-2022(结项)

7. 澳门永利3044con青年师生交叉学科培育项目“气候变化对我国沿海城市安全影响及对策”2020-2022(结项)

8. 澳门永利3044con国家发展与安全研究院资助项目“日本突发公共卫生事件应对机制研究及对我国的启示” 2020-2021(结项)

9. 澳门永利3044con社会科学资助项目“美国退出《巴黎协定》对全球气候治理格局的影响”2017-2019(结项)


1. 澳门永利3044con国际合作平台建设计划项目“全球能源与气候治理教研平台”2023-2025(在研)

2. 澳门永利3044con国际胜任力项目“全球能源与气候治理”寒假培训课程 2021-2022(结项)

3. 澳门永利3044con教学改革项目“公共外交全英文教学与课堂国际化” 2017-2019(结项)



1. 邹晓龙、石慧:《中国南海渔业纠纷下的区域竞争于合作探究》,载《辽东学院学报》,2021年第1期,16-24页。

2. 邹晓龙、张艾嘉:《全球气候治理发展路径及中国参与探究》,载《大理大学学报》,2020年第9期,55-62页。

3. 邹晓龙:《后<巴黎协定>时代的美国能源政策与中美能源合作》,载《东亚评论》,2019年第2辑,122-140页。

4. 邹晓龙、刘玉航:《国际视域下的中国生态城市发展评估》,载《中北大学学报》(社科版),2019年第3期,83-88页

5. 邹晓龙、崔悦:《美国退出<巴黎协定>的原因及影响与中国的应对》,载《中北大学学报》(社科版),2018年第2期,59-65页


1. Zhang, J. Zou, X. Muhkia, A. (2023). Reconsidering India's climate diplomacy and domestic preferences with a two-level approach. International Journal of Climate Change Strategies and Management. Online-first. (通讯作者,SSCI检索)  

2. Koshaimah, Y. Zou, X. (2023). An Analysis of Yemen’s Geostrategic Significance and Saudi-Iranian Competition for Regional Hegemony. Contemporary Review of the Middle East. Online-first. (通讯作者,ESCI检索)

3. Zou, X. et al. (2022). An Analytical Hierarchy Process Approach for Smart City Assessment in Japan: From Concept to Indicators. International Review for Spatial Planning and Sustainable Development. 10(2). p.58-72 (ESCI检索)

4. Zou, X. et al. (2021). Nepal's Hydropower Development: Predicament and Dilemma in Policy-Making. Natural Resources Forum. 45(3). p.1-13 (SSCI检索)

5. Zou, X. (2021). Institutional Deficiencies of the Paris Agreement and China’s Compliance Capacity after US’ Withdrawal. China: An International Journal. 19(2), p.164-177(SSCI检索)

6. Zhao, R. Sun, L. Zou, X. et al. (2021). Towards a Zero Waste city- An analysis from the perspective of energy recovery and landfill reduction in Beijing. Energy. 223(23): 120055 (SCI检索, Q1, IF: 6.08)

7. Zhao, R. Sun, L. Zou, X. et al. (2021) Greenhouse Gas Emissions Analysis Working toward Zero-Waste and Its Indication to Low Carbon City Development. Energies. 14(20):66644 (SCI检索)

8. Zou, X. & Wang, C. (2021). NGO’s Authority: A Discussion in the Global Environmental Governance. International Studies. 58(1), p.80-97 (SCOPUS检索)

9. Zou, X. (2020). China’s Pathway towards Maritime Civilization. Journal of Contemporary Asia. 50(3), p.488-490 (SSCI检索, Q1, IF:2.03)

10. Mbajon, V. & Zou, X. (2019). The Economic Cooperation Between Cameroon and China: Hub on Infrastructure and Investment Projects 2007 -2018. Journal of African Union Studies, 8(3), p.99-118 (通讯作者,SCOPUS检索)

11. Zou, X. & Zhu, X. (2018). Soft Power of Chinese Cities: Factors that Attract International Students to Study in Changchun City. International Review for Spatial Planning and Sustainable Development, 6(3), p.94-109 (ESCI检索)  

12. Tantiwatthanaphanich, T. & Zou, X. (2016). Empowering the Local Community via Biomass Utilization: A Case Study in Thailand, International Review for Spatial Planning and Sustainable Development, 4(2), p. 30-45 (通讯作者,ESCI检索)    

13. Zou, X. & Li, Y. (2015) Developing Tailor-Made Urban Environmental Policies for China’s Low Carbon Cities - Implications from Japan and Germany. Low-carbon City and New-type Urbanization. p.275-286 (EI检索)

14. Zou, X. & Li, Y. (2014) How Eco are China's Eco-Cities? An International Perspective. International Review for Spatial Planning and Sustainable Development, 2(3), p.18-30 (SCOPUS检索)


1. “Covid-19 and Climate Change in BRICS Nations: Beyond the Paris Agreement and Agenda 2030” edited by Tshikovhi, Satos, Zou, et al. Published by Routledge.  (联合编著)

2. Zou, X. (2019). China’s Biomass Energy – Case Studies of Different Scales. Saarbrucken, Germany: LAMBERT Academic Publishing. (专著)

3. Zou, X. (2016). Municipal Solid Wastes Management in China: Investigation of China’s MSW status quo from an international perspective. Saarbrucken, Germany: LAMBERT Academic Publishing. (专著)