

David Ceasar Wani Suliman

发布时间:2019-12-16  点击:

David Ceasar Wani Suliman,男,来自南苏丹,2017年硕士毕业于3044永利集团国际关系专业,日常生活中喜好阅读,旅行,关注时事和弹钢琴,现在山东大学政治学与公共管理学院攻读博士,主修国际政治

座右铭:Win the lost by all means at all cost.

SIPA感言:You can’t achieve success without failure, some of my biggest success, comes from my biggest failure. Don’t be afraid to close your eyes and dream, but then open your eyes and see. For a lot of people the distance between their dreams and their reality is intimidating and they get stuck. They get paralyzed just like I was and the only way forward is to be real about what is going to take for you to achieve this dreams. You have to be honest with yourself; you have to talk to your self the truth of what is going to take for you to be successful. It doesn’t come easy. you have to go out there and get it- nobody is going to give you nothing, there’s No rescue time coming, No national guards No aid coming but the only way forward is to decide that you want that dream so bad, that you’re going to work harder, you’re going to weak up earlier, you going to stay later, you going to push pass the people who doubted you and laugh at you and hated on you. I want you to never be afraid to make a decision. Be decision, and don’t be afraid to fail be fearless. I want you to make decision right now that when you fail and fall to your knees. I want you to remember the power of you, and I want you to get up again on your feet. Make a decision today that when you’re in darkness you will remember the power of you; you’re your own light.