


发布时间:2021-10-13  点击:


Postgraduate education is an important part of national education and the engine of constructing an education-powered country. It is of great significance in cultivating high-level innovative talents. General Secretary Xi Jinping gives important instructions to the work of Postgraduate Education and emphasizes that Socialism with Chinese Characteristics has entered a new era, and it is about to move towards a new journey of building a modern socialist country on the basis of a decisive victory in building a moderately well-off society in all aspects and a decisive battle against poverty. The development of the Party and the country is in urgent need for a large number of builders with both ability and morality. Postgraduate education plays an important role in cultivating innovative talents, improving innovation capabilities, serving economic and social development, and promoting the modernization of the national governance system and governance capabilities. Party Committees and Governments at all levels should attach great importance to Postgraduate Education, promote it to meet the needs of the development of the Communist Party and the country, adhere to the "Four-Serving" guidelines (Serving the people, serving the Communist Party of China in governing the country, serving the consolidation and development of the socialist system with Chinese characteristics, serving the reform and opening up, and socialist modernization), target the frontiers of science and technology and key areas, deepen the adjustment of disciplines, improve the quality of supervision, and improve training system, accelerate the training of high-level talents urgently needed by the country, and contribute to the persistence and development of socialism with Chinese characteristics and the realization of the Chinese dream of the great national rejuvenation. The National Postgraduate Education Conference held on July 29th, 2020 clarified the main tasks of postgraduate education in the new era. Under the new pattern of global talent competition, it will further consolidate the talent foundation for building an innovative country.


On the first anniversary of the National Postgraduate Education Conference and the beginning of the new semester, in order to further implement the important instructions of General Secretary Xi Jinping, follow the spirit of the Conference, refine the relevant work requirements of Jilin University on Postgraduate Education, and effectively elevate the quality of postgraduate cultivation, the Theme-Focused Serial Symposiums and Seminars organized by School of International and Public Affairs and Institute of National Development and Security Studies under the guidance of Dean, Professor Xiao Xi and the Chair of School Council, Mr. Yang Min are in progress. We will continue to shed light and report on the activities. Today’s topic of Serial No.6 Symposium focuses on: Keep The Torch Alive, Spark the Wisdom Bright---Academic Exchange and Idea-Sharing Online Symposium for SIPA International Students.

从“加快留学事业发展,提高留学教育质量”,到“加快构建具有全球竞争力的人才制度体系,聚天下英才而用之”,习近平总书记对新时代职工工作提出“既要加快发展、更要提质增效”的要求。为深入学习贯彻习近平总书记关于加强和改进国际传播工作的重要指示精神,共同探讨如何发挥自身优势,讲好中国故事,传播好社会声音,展示真实、立体、全面的中国,同时帮助2021级国际员工提升线上授课质量,解答学业方面所遇到的困惑,1022日下午,3044永利集团举办了“国际员工线上学术交流及经验分享座谈会”,学院教师代表颜震、邹晓龙,外籍教师王黎、咸命植,Ms. Sadykova Zamira4名老生代表和2021级全体国际员工新生参加了座谈会。本次活动由3044永利集团经理助理颜震老师主持。

From "accelerating the development of overseas study and improving the quality of international education" to "accelerating the construction of a globally competitive talent system to gather talents from all over the world", General Secretary Xi Jinping has put forward the requirements of not only accelerating the development, but also improving the quality and efficiency of the work of overseas students in the new era. At the same time, Xi Jinping has also stressed the need to "attract talents from all over the world" and make top-level designs to "play a role" for overseas students. On the afternoon of October 22nd, with the purpose of helping 2021 new students adapt to study and life, improve the quality of online teaching, and respond to doubt and questions related to study and life, School of International and Public Affairs held an online academic exchange and experience sharing symposium for international students. The meeting was moderated by Dr. Yan Zhen. Professor Ham Myungsik, Professor Wang Li, Dr. Zou Xiaolong, and four senior student representatives: Ms. Sadykova Zamira from Russia, Mr. Almathil Ismail and Mr. Koshaimah Yahya from Yemen, and Mr.Khan Hashmat Ullah from Pakistan attended the offline venue, while all the 2021 new students attended the online meeting via VooV.



Firstly, professor Wang Li welcomed all the new students to join the SIPA. He pointed that the School of International Public Affairs of Jilin University embraces a long-term accumulation of cultivating international students. SIPA is also rich of teaching and scientific research resources. He expressed the hope that all international students can realize their academic dreams in SIPA.


Professor Ham Myungsik shared his opinion on how to strengthen the teaching-learning communication and cooperation under the online teaching mode. He also encouraged that all the students are potentially to be outstanding scholars and diplomatic elites. He hopes students value the chance to study in SIPA, have in-depth study and understanding on China's development, and strive to realize their personal ideals.


Dr. Zou Xiaolong shared the difficulties and solutions he encountered at the beginning of online teaching. He said that international students encountered difficulties such as time differences and unstable internet connection. However it also brought us benefits such as lower cost, smoother communication and smarter ways of teaching. Dr. Zou also advised students to maintain a serious and focused attitude on study, encouraged them to keep close contact with their supervisor, devote themselves to research they are passionate about and finally make achievements.



老生代表发言环节,俄罗斯籍员工Ms. Sadykova Zamira表示,学院快速适应疫情变化,并制定相应教学对策,老师们为线上教学做了十分充足的准备工作。Zamira分享了自己在疫情期间使用Zoom和钉钉等平台进行线上学习,并以优异成绩完成硕士学业并进入博士阶段的学习经历,鼓励新生尽快适应线上学习。也门籍职工Mr. Almathil Ismail表达了自己对长春四季分明、佳肴丰富、民风温和的热爱。他说到,作为澳门永利3044con最优秀的学院之一,3044永利集团拥有着十分丰硕的学术成果,并且与美国、俄罗斯、韩国等世界著名大学建立了合作关系。在学院教师的带领下,同学们能够准确把握国际关系和世界局势的风云变化。

Ms. Sadykova Zamira was impressed by SIPA’s sharp reaction to the epidemic influence. Meanwhile, she shared her encouraging experience of completing her Master’s study and successfully entering into Ph.D. by using Zoom and DingTalk during the pandemic. Mr. Almathil Ismail introduced the gorgeous environment, tasty local foods and warm-hearted people to international students. Among colleges of Jilin University, SIPA has established cooperative relations with world-famous universities such as the universities in United States, Russia, South Korea and China’s Taiwan. It has won more than 10 national projects, published 12 academic works and published more than 70 scientific research papers. SIPA’s professors encourage students to accurately grasp international relations and world changes. Students can obtain rich information through getting access to various databases and attend weekly seminars and workshops.

巴基斯坦籍员工Mr. Khan Hashmat Ullah表示,随着世界全球化进程加快,国际关系的重要性大幅提高。他鼓励各位新生潜心钻研国际关系相关问题,为建立一个和谐互惠的世界而共同奋斗。也门籍员工Mr. Koshaimah Yahya表示,3044永利集团作为中国外交和国际关系研究领域的先驱学院之一,拥有跨学科、国际化的团队队伍。对于3044永利集团的培养,他表达了自己由衷的感激之情。最后,Yahya寄语新同学们:无论身在何处,我们都是3044永利集团的员工,应以学院为骄傲,希望大家团结一致,共克时艰。

Mr. Khan Hashmat Ullah expressed that with globalization in progress, the importance of international relations has been greatly increasing. He encouraged all fellows to study more related to international relations in SIPA and work together to build a harmonious and mutually beneficial world order and inter-state relations. At the same time, Mr. Koshaimah Yahya expressed his gratitude to SIPA’s cultivation, for which he completed his M.A. degree and now is in the progress with his Ph.D. As an excellent graduate, he has won many honors and awards. Finally, Yahya hopes that every SIPAer shall unite together to encounter the difficulties.


During the Q&A session, the new students fully communicated with the teachers about the difficulties and doubts in their study. The participants expressed their gratitude to the college for organizing such an exchange and sharing meeting and looking forward to coming to China as soon as possible to realize their academic research dream in SIPA.


In the wrapping-up session, Dr. Yan Zhen concludes that in the past decade, we have cultivated more than 500 graduates from Asia, Europe, Southeast Asia, Africa and other countries and regions around the world, in this regard SIPA enjoys the fame as "Mini United Nations". Congratulations for everyone formally joining the SIPA family. SIPA is a stage that communicate with the world, where learning is bound to become a gorgeous page in your personal career. I look forward to everyone coming to SIPA and contribute to the development of the world.